February 19, 2016

Young International Forum at the Rimini Palacongressi

A project meant to give support  to young people, who are looking for a job, providing opportunities of cultural, educational and professional exchanges and fighting  school non-attendance, university quitting and young people unemployment.

It is the “Young International Forum”, which will be held on the 1st and 2nd of March in Rimini, during the “Salone Internazionale dell’orientamento” (“International Counselling Salon”). “Jobs”, a board game similar to “Trivial” and dedicated to the work world, will be presented and will have as main actors students and teachers challenging one another on school desks.

Students from more than 20 cities will take part in this event, promoted by “Italia Orienta” foundation and held at the Palacongressi di Rimini, which is organized in 23 seminars and laboratories, 5 thematic areas for counselling interviews, 14 guides with practical advice, scholarships and contacts useful to a future period of study or work abroad, with more than one thousand offers among Europe, the USA and Australia.

This two-days kermesse occurs with the adhesion of the Presidency of the Republic and the support of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate.